I Am..

Wednesday, January 15, 2014
I am..

.. growing increasingly excited for this apartment. I have so much to do before we move and I feel like it'll never get done and that the day will never get here. We've got a little over two weeks before move-in day and time is going so slowly. I also don't think reality has really set in for either of us and I don't think it will until we start packing up the car on the day.

.. debating on quitting the Project 365. I planned it out as a self-portrait everyday, but it's a lot harder than I imagined it would be. I'm thinking of maybe switching it from portraits of myself to a photo of daily life. I think that way it'll be a little be easier to complete that way.

.. trying to find personal blogs. One that don't revolve around pregnancy, DIYs, fashion, etc. It's not my kind of blog and it's all just been done before. I want to read more personal blogs like Susannah Conway and Esmé Wang. Those ladies are my favorite right now because of how raw and honest they are.

.. dying for American Horror Story: Coven to finish. It's my least favorite season and I'm just ready to find out who the Supreme is. It's too back and forth this season, too many deaths that are brought back and I can't stand Jessica Lange this season. She's one of my favorites on that show but they destroyed her this season. Sarah Paulson is just killin' it this season for me, though.

.. hoping to get into couponing. I used to watch Extreme Couponing but that show has went downhill for me, none of it seems real anymore. I was at work today and bought a few items for our place and used some coupons. I bought some Pantene shampoo & conditioner for $0.16. I felt this crazy rush come over me and it made me want to do it even more. I'm not sure the policies around the stores where I live but I'm going to do more research. Hopefully that will diminish some stress I already am anticipating once we do move in and realize all of the bills we've got coming our way.

.. ready to write more. Not just for this blog but for myself as well. Yesterday I opened up a new document and started re-telling a few stories of my past and it was refreshing to do so. It's nice to have these little stories saved on my laptop for me to open up when I need a bit of inspiration or to remember a good or bad time in my life. I'm excited to write more and to experience some new ones for the future.

.. Re-discovering bands I haven't listened to since high school. I do this every few months and I always get this crazy wave of nostalgia that comes over me. It puts me back in that high school stage of my life and it's crazy to think about how I was back then versus the person I am today.

Thank you Wishcake for the original post. 

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